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鎌倉ハイキング&アウトドア精進料理ミニ講座 Kamakura Hiking & Outdoor Shojin Cuisine mini-Workshop

Kamakura Hiking & Shojin (Buddhist) Cuisine mini-Workshop

Tokyo Vegan & Fermentation Meetup Event (東京ヴィーガン発酵Meetupイベント)



Would you like to experience hiking and outdoor Shojin cuisine (traditional Buddhist vegan cuisine) in the natural pretty surroundings of Kamakura?
For the details and reservation in English.

    • 日時:2023年5月21日(日)12:20-17:00
    • 集合場所:北鎌倉駅 西口出口 12時20分集合
    • 参加費:2,500円
    • (大仏の拝観料は含まれません。おつりがいらないようにご協力お願いします)
    • 参加申込
  • 【コース&予定時間】
    北鎌倉集合 12:20→浄智寺(ハイキングスタート)12:40→精進料理講座/試食&ランチ 13:10-14:00→鎌倉大仏 15:30→長谷駅(解散)→江ノ電→鎌倉駅 (解散)17:00

  • 【持ち物(推奨)】

  • 【ハイキングコース】



  • 【アウトドア精進料理ミニ講座】


  • 精進料理ミニ講座では、



Kamakura Hiking and Shojin Cuisine mini-Workshop

Would you like to experience hiking and outdoor Shojin Buddhist Cuisine in Kamakura?

Would you like to experience hiking and outdoor Shojin cuisine (traditional Buddhist vegan cuisine) in the natural pretty surroundings of Kamakura?

Hello, I’m Romy, the organizer of this group. I’m a vegan who loves cooking, hiking, and traveling, and I’m also enthusiastic about sharing Japan’s wonderful culture and food with people from all over the world.

As our group’s second event, we are holding a hiking and outdoor Shojin cuisine mini-workshop with a fermentation expert, Yuko Ose.

Date and time: Sunday, May 21, 2023
12:20 pm – Meet at Kitakamakura Station West Exit
(We recommend using the restroom before the exit.)
Participation fee: 2,500 yen
(Please pay in cash, or PayPay on that day, Please bring exact change. Great Buddha admission fee is not included.)
Reservation required: Please reserve your spot using the form below. (Participants from outside Meetup can sighed up.)
Reservation form: https://forms.gle/i4GsPjowJbTjCWxWA

[What to Bring (Recommended)]
Drinks, picnic lunch, comfortable walking shoes, hat, small towel, mat, sunglasses, etc.

[Hiking Course]
We will gather at Kita-Kamakura Station and enjoy the popular Daibutsu hiking course, which is about 2.5 km  <1.5miles> long and can be enjoyed even by beginners. You can enjoy  the scenic beauty of the forest and the sea along the way while feeling Kamakura’s rich nature and heritage. At the end of the course, we will visit Kamakura’s most famous attraction, the Great Buddha of Kamakura. After that, you can take a local popular Enoden train to Kamakura station.

[Outdoor Shojin Cuisine Mini-Workshop] (outdoor event)
Have you heard of Shojin cuisine? It’s a type of vegan cuisine that doesn’t use any meat or fish, and it’s closely associated with Buddhism. It’s the perfect vegan cuisine for those who want to enjoy authentic Japanese cuisine. If you haven’t tried it yet, please learn and experience it at this event. Shojin cuisine is currently receiving worldwide attention due to the health food boom, as it is low in cholesterol and has a well-balanced nutritional profile.

note: the photo above is the image photo of shojin cuisine.

At the workshop,  you will learn how to make simple Shojin dishes, such as sauces and dressings, from Japanese fermentation expert Yuko Ose. You will also taste 2-3 dishes beautifully arranged in authentic plates. It may not enough for lunch, so please bring your own lunch.

[Course and Schedule]
12:20 pm – Meet at Kitakamakura Station
->Jochiji zen Temple (entry to the hiking course)
->Shojin cuisine workshop, tasting, and picnic lunch
->Visit Kamakura Daibutsu (Great Buddha of Kamakura)
4:30 pm – Disband at Hase Station
5:00pm or then take the Enoden train to Kamakura Station (disband)

I hope that you can enjoy hiking, outdoor Shojin cuisine, and the Great Buddha in beautiful city of Kamakura with us.

参加申し込み Registration

If you wish to register by email, please send it to romykikuchi@gmail.com

このイベントはTokyo Vegan Fermentation Meetupのイベントです。

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