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手賀沼で田植え& Pizza 焼き体験 Rice Planting Amazing Experience at the Teganuma Lake

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手賀沼の田植え体験&アウトドア pizza 焼き体験ランチ (外国人向け)Rice Planting Experience and Outdoor Pizza Lunch  at Teganuma lake

昔ながらの手植えでの田植えを、泥んこになりながら体験してもらう外国人用のツアーです。田植えイベントの詳細はこちら。 体験後はお米2合がお土産でもらえます。田植えは株式会社農菜土が主催のイベントです。

For English information, please click “Other languages” tub above.

日時 2019年5月11日(土)  10:15~14:30
スケジュール 10:15 am: JR柏駅中央改札出口 緑の窓口前集合
10:45 am :道の駅到着
11:00 ~12:00: 田植え体験 (1時間)
12:30~ 14:00:pizazz釜でピザ焼き体験&ランチ
費用 大人:3,500円


Rice Planting Experience tour at the Teganuma Lake & Outdoor Pizza Lunch

Rice Planting Experience at the Teganuma Lake

You can enjoy experiencing a Japanese traditional way of “rice planting” while you get muddy. You will experience a true Japanese culture. Let’s have a wonderful time at the Teganuma lake rich in nature.

We will meat at JR Kashiwa Station (Chiba prefecture) then go to the Michinoeki SHONAN (Roadside Station SHONAN). Then we will walk to the rice paddy filed near by to enjoy rice planting. You will get two cups of rice as a gift when you go home. 
(Rice planting event is organized by No-Side Co. Ltd.)

Outdoor Piza Lunch Experience

After rice planting, we will go to the house in the  vegetable garden to enjoy out door pizza lunch.
You will make your original pizza by putting a variety of ingredients on the top. Then you can enjoy fresh pizza out of oven in the garden.




Detail Information


<Date and time> May 11 (Sat.) , 10:15-14:30
(cancel if the weather is rough)
<Time Schedule> 10:15 am: meet at Kashiwa JR station, central exit
10:45 am :arrive at Michinoeki Shonan
11:00 – 12:00: Rice planting (1 hour)
12:30- 14:00: Outdoor pizza Lunch 
14:30  dismiss at Kashiwa station
<Fee> 3,500 yen for adults
2,500 yen for children (younger than elementary age)
free for three years old kids and younger
*transportation is not included
<What to bring> Please put on easy-to-move outfits
extra clothes, towel, hat, picnic sheet
<How to sign up> Please sign up from the contact form. (you can change the form in any languages)
Please write the following items and send e-mail to info@feelculture.co.jp.
1. name
2. age
3. postal address
4. e-mail
5. phone number
6. any requests or comments

Let’s enjoy new experience together.

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